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About Rasam
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Mohammad Rabiei
B.Sc, 1988, Industrial Management, Imam Hussein University
M.Sc, 1992, Strategic Management, University of Science and Technology
Ph.D., 2003, Strategic Management, Stanford University
Course titles taught
Fundamentals of Organization and Management, B.Sc.
Organizational Behavior Management, B.Sc.
Human Resource Management, B.Sc.
Industrial Relations, BS
Systems Analysis and Design Techniques, BS
Information Systems in Management, B.Sc.
Studying Personnel Issues in Industry, MSc
Advanced Management Theories, MSc
Advanced Management Information Systems, MSc
Industrial Strategic Management, MSc
Advanced Organizational Behavior Management, MSc
Application of Decision Theory to Management, MSc
Operating activities
Head of University of Qazvin, Khorram Dareh and Rafsanjan
Member of the Board of Trustees of Ghazali Institute of Higher Education in Qazvin
Founding Member and Representative of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology of Rasam Institute of Higher Education
So far
Special Inspector of the Minister of Labor, Co-operative and Social Welfare from 2012 to 1977
Articles published in international journals
rabiee,mohamad. "Consideration of Relationship between Services Quality and Customers Satisfaction." Archives Des
Sciences Journal 5, no. 66 (2010): 451-460.
rabiee,mohamad. "evaluation of impact of employees
empowerment dimensions
on organizational commitment."
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific research 3, no. 5 (2012):367-372.
rabiee,mohamad,rostami,ali. "Evaluating Sport Sponsorship Model among Soccer
Fans in Iran." Business and Management Research2,
no. 2 (2013):37-51.
rabiee,mohamad. "Strategic marketing management: achieving superior business
performance through intelligent marketing
strategy." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
, no… (2015): ….
rabiee,mohamad,shirzadi,saeed.’feasibility study of deployment of Rassam’.Dav international journal of science,volume-4,
issue -3,novamber 2015
Articles published in domestic journals
Rabiei, Muhammad. "Investigating the intra-organizational barriers to marketing of Iranian sports institutes." Movement 1, 36: 150-129: (1111)
Rabiei, Mohammad, Nikokar, Hassan. "Market Orientation and Business Performance in Iran." Business Management 1, 1 54-39: (1111)
Rabiei, Muhammad. "A Comparative Study of Strategic Planning Models." Tadbir Monthly -, 140 (2003) 73-67
Rabiei, Mohammad, Esfandani, Mahmood “Investigating the Hierarchy Model of Effects in Advertising Programs.” Development and Management46-35 (2004) 21, 6.
Rabiei, Mohammad, Esfandani, Mahmoud. "The Nature of Competitiveness: A Multidimensional View" Management
Knowledge 20, 76 158-139 (2007)
International Conferences
rabiee,mohamad. "Balancing the rights of both customers and noncustomers." Third International Marketing Management Conference, Tehran, January 22-23,2012
rabiee,mohamad. "A Contingent Model of Internet Marketing Strategy." International Marketing Trends Conference 17-19 January 2013 Paris France, paris, January 17-19, 2013 .
rabiee,mohamad. "Strategic marketing management: achieving superior business performance through intelligent marketing strategy." 11
International Strategic Management Conference 2015, Vienna,
July 23-25, 2015.